Entry Mission Two: What Others Are Saying

  I want to take on the approach of discussing the news article that I have read about the flooding in Venice. I don't like to review the news, as it is all bad news, problems that we may or may not be able to fix, but then it goes into a casual session for the fact that we know that in the end that it is just news. But is it just news? The title shouts: Nine Dead and Venice flooded as extreme weather hits Italy. The timing, the warning, and the amount of water pours over 75-77% of the vast area. The "Runners in Sunday's Venice Marathon were undeterred as they splashed their way through ankle-deep water," according to CNN reporter Colin Simpson. Stores face the battle head on of having their stores being turned into floating stores that are in the process of being consumed into underwater stores. As you can see when you enter the hallways, owners shovel the water to protect their goods.
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   The causes of death by the nine people that were being mentioned was through the force of the trees that were pulled completely out by the roots and smashing into the cars and walking pedestrians. The cause of the flooding, and this event was through the wind that shoved the water to unwanted areas of the community, and town. The people have already began to take a stand, see the glass half full, and move along the boards that connect them back to their city. Lives were lost, there is damage to be repaired, but these winds will not be unheard. The waves voice will not be unspoken. Although, we may not be able to take back everything that we lost their is hope in these people.
Image result for flooding in venice
Related image  It becomes JUST news the moment that we take to chose to ignore the fact of what just occurred based on what was just force feed to us. What we do is what means the most, even it is giving spare change at our schools spread the hope that we will fight to see another day. I believe that we are meant to face these challenges, but I think that we are meant to see that the solutions are seen through. Together. A team is as strong as its weakest member, if Venice is taken over by storm, what do you think will happen if we were to just let this news report go just like the countless others? What does this matter when the place that you live in is comfortable. Life is not the cozy picture, we must go out to get our face wet, and live the lives that we are meant to beyond the doors that barricade ourselves behind. Our lives are meant to be shared, as we can help everyone if we take the time to notice. Tomorrow this will just be another story that will be ignored, yet the home of these people will continue treading through the water.

  When we work together to accomplish our goals, we accomplish our goals learning who we are as a unit. News brings us closer together better than ever, but we just chose to view the news. The choice is your to make a difference in your life. A chance to face the weather, or just become another story on the news. How do you take the news? By storm like the world does? Or will you let it swallow you whole?
Image result for emotional victory


  1. Brandon--Your new entries are interesting. You are starting off your new blog well, but you are missing one of the required entries (#1). Good writing flow and development. Good visual support and appeal. Keep it up.


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