Entry Mission Seven: Conversation Starter

    Do you use hashtags? If you do, that's awesome, although I do not use them I get the concept simply because I have been in the world long enough. I may not use social media, but I talk to people in general conversations, and it is hard enough to bring up topics that one person would like to talk about. Talking to multiple people is the sole purpose of social media, especially when it comes to spreading the word that you would like to get out.
    You want to speak to your audience on topics that you would like to discuss, hear opinions, and get to the bottom of what you desire an answer from. For example, if I was to go to go to my account and just type #Weekend I would get so many different responses that no two will be the same to how the responder sees their weekends. Some people may be able to relate to how they felt on their weekend, or the activities, or what everyone just got to accomplish on their weekend. Or you may be apart of the unlikely few that would just like to discuss the band The Weekend, that's cool because the hashtag is meant to say Weekend. The possibilities are endless until you reach the end of the topic all in itself. That is the point of a hashtag to me. A topic that is thrown out there to symbolize a conversation that people want to take place in. Hashtags categorize conversations and make it easier to find what people are talking about and where they are talking. Just type where you would like to find everything on what matter you would like to discuss and hang on t your butts. Because where you're going, you may need a seat belt.
Image result for most impactful hashtagsRelated image
    These are some impactful topics that are being discussed today, as we talk about (the photo on the left) racial policemen that have changed the way that we view the justice system altogether. My statement was a prime example of what a hashtag is, I just discussed what is being discussed under the categories that the posters provide. Women stand, men stand, children stand, therefore they must have something to say and discuss as a nation. The other example (the photo on the right) could go into school shootings, gun laws that is a massive deal in the nation currently, and anything that falls under the category connecting to "Don't Shoot," or No justice, No peace (the sign). We have the voices to make the right impacts and make the opportunities for national conversations. Hashtag that.
The photo on the left: Here
The photo on the right: Here


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